Hello from Moscow

Hello from Moscow
Red Square and surrounds

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Perfect ending to a perfect trip - Happy Birthday Moscow!

Today being Moscow's birthday the "big street" that runs from our area down to the Kremlin was totally closed - all accesses were blocked with street-sweepers or big city trucks - the citizens, mostly young, took advantage all day and tonight the city was "hopping". The weather co-operated and we got to see the Tattoo without wind or rain, although from our perch high up in the center stand it got very cool towards the end - fortunately we had packed our thermal underwear before we left and it came in very handy, besides surreptiously pinching the blankets off our beds which kept us reasonably warm. The tattoo was everything we expected, ending up with the 1812 overture complete with real cannon and bells, followed by fireworks over St Basil`s cathedral. Really a fantastic encore to our trip. Tomorrow we head inside the Kremlin before we set out to overnight in the airport and the start of a 24 hour travel day back home.
That`s it for us. Hope you enjoyed the trip vicariously as much as we did in real-time.

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