Hello from Moscow

Hello from Moscow
Red Square and surrounds

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival in Copenhagen

Nothing untoward to report. Bus and RAV line to the airport, and on the other end Bus 5A from Kastrup airport into town. Total cost $9.50 pp – Now that’s frugal. In between we enjoyed business class on Lufthansa via Frankfurt. I read somewhere that Lufthansa’s business class “sucked”, but that wasn’t our experience – true, they don’t have the pods/cocoons that some other airlines have, but for me that is a plus. And that Icelandic volcano wasn’t spewing any ash, which had been a concern. So, all in all, a great flight.
It has been 46 years since I was last in Copenhagen, and my memories of that visit are few and far between. Everything then revolved around the Townhall square (Radhusplassen) and Tivoli – that hasn’t changed.
We checked into our chosen abode – Danhostel Downtown – and realised our mistake. This place has seen a lot better days, but the room is passable. Stacked beds, shower-room that includes sink and WC – in effect the room is the shower, about the size of a plane toilet! We’ve been this route before! There is another Danhostel not far away that opened a few years back. It’s a high-rise and looks much more to our style – Oh, well!
It takes us all of 5 minutes to get over our disappointment – it’s now 6:30 pm on Thurs August 5th, so we head out to explore – first place = the Strogjet (Stroy-yet) the main pedestrian drag running West to East through town. We find a nice square for a beer/wine and order up a club-sandwich between two that hits the spot then, suitably jet-lagged, we hit the sack – just one problem – outside our room are two outdoor bars that serve into the wee small hours, followed by early arrival of the garbage truck, pressure washer for the sidewalk etc, etc. However, earplugs and half an Immovane took care of all that!
Welcome back to frugal travel!

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