Hello from Moscow

Hello from Moscow
Red Square and surrounds

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Hello from Norway 2

The Petroleum Museum in Stavanger

Heading from Stavanger to the Lysefjord

We had an uneventful flight here, caught the bus downtown and walked the few blocks uphill to our B&B - Stavanger B&B, naturellement! Good news, whereas The Copenhagen hostel was a disappointment this accommodation was everything we expected. Large room, great staff and breakast.
This morning we rose early after a full night of peace and quiet, all set to catch the boat over to Tau, then take the bus to the foot of the trail leading to Priestollen (Pulpit Rock) which was the impetus for this whole trip. Well, "the best laid plans of mice and men sometimes go agley", and this was one of those times. There we were sitting at the tour boat dock waiting for our boat with 20 mins to spare. Unfortunately we were at the wrong dock, and by the time we found that out we could only stand and watch the 8:00 am ferry to Tau pull out of the other dock - next boat was an hour and a half later, and since there was a strong chance of rain later in the day (wrong as it turned out) we preferred to do the less active tourist thing and headed back to the tour boat for a 3 hour trip to Lysefjord that turned out to be excellent, gave us much more exposure to the fjord than plan A would have, and also allowed us the opportunity of visiting the Norwegian Petroleum Museum, where we had an excellent overview of the activities of the last 60 years that put Stavanger firmly on the map - Imagine - it was not until 1971 that North Sea Oil began to flow!

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