Hello from Moscow

Hello from Moscow
Red Square and surrounds

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 2 - Out and about in Copenhagen

The new Copenhagen Opera House donated by Maersk Shipping, a Danish Container ship giant.

Pastor Grundtvig - the man most responsible for the enlightened Danish philosophy way of life.
In our other European travels we have always enjoyed guided walking tours – the Mother and Father of them all being Terry Brewer’s ten hour marathon around central East and West Berlin! The book tells us that there is 90 min walk conducted by a latter-day Hans Christian Andersen, so we sign up for that and get a strong flavour of what modern Denmark is all about – paying lots of tax (52% Income tax, 25% VAT and 180% tax on new cars) but receiving lots of benefits in return, and along the way being regarded as the world’s happiest population – not so dusty! We encounter a Toronto Dermatologist and his wife who are at the end of their vacation – they brought their own (hybrid) bikes and rented a car plus bike rack and have been all over Denmark “hub ‘n spoking”, just the two of them – sounds like fun. They encourage us to head out of the city by train one day and pick up bikes locally and do our thing – perhaps we will!
Lunch finds us in a pub scoffing Tuborg and three smorrebrod (open-face sandwiches) Then a siesta, before heading over to Tivoli for the evening.

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